Shronkles Memorial Tournament
This weekend we celebrate Shronk and how much he made us laugh! Come join us for a poker tournament to honor our friend, and help support his memorial fund at Temple!
On Sunday, 12/6, we are having a “Justin Shronk Memorial Tournament”, which is being held on FullTilt to benefit the Justin Shronk Memorial Fund at the Temple University School of Communications And Theater (SCT). This is the same fund for which Brian Lemke provided a $20,000 lead gift after winning his WSOP bracelet this summer.
Tournament ID: 121607994
Title: Justin Shronk Memorial Tourney
Game: NLHE
Buy-In: $5+$5
Starts: Sunday, December 6 at 18:00 server time (6 p.m. EST, 3 p.m PST)
Password: Justin Shronk (title case, with the space)
Please join in with us and help raise money for Shronk’s fund!
I also want to announce a sick new partnership that PokerRoad has just entered into with that I’m fired up about! Basically we sat down with Sportsvite, which is a site that enables people to hook up with people who love and play the same sports, and realized that we had a lot of common fans.
Sportsvite helps people set up pickup games, or in our case HOMEgames for poker. You can create an account and meet people with similar sports/gaming interests as you and then in your physical area be able to organize games with them right on Sportsvite. Pretty cool!
If it sounds like fun, hop on there! “Friend” the official PokerRoad profile, “friend” ME, and get started on building your own network! Most of the other PokerRoad team already have profiles so “friend” them as well. Let’s take this thing over! Haha. Poker is actually their 4th most popular sport/game on the site, so there are tons of poker players on there already for us to mix with. Sick!