Poker2Nite, the poker news and entertainment show helmed by PokerRoad’s Joe Sebok and Scott Huff, is once again expanding its domain, this time providing Canadian viewers access to the show via Canada’s popular 24-hour English-language sports television network, The Score.

The Score, along with its regular featured programming which reaches over 6.6 million Canadian households, began airing weekly episodes of Poker2Nite last Sunday (1/10) and appears to have made room on their weekly schedule for the show, on that day, for the foreseeable future, making access to Poker2Nite easier than ever before.

Now viewers anxious to see what happens when a mainstream television program is handed off to the like of Seebs, Huff and Joe Stapleton- the Head Writer of the show- can find out, either by tuning into FSN if in America (Wed. 23:00 ET), The Score if in Canada (Sun. 15:00 and 17:30 ET), the Poker Channel if in Europe (Wed. and Sat. 20:00 CET) or anytime online at the Title Sponsor of the show- basically if anywhere else in the World.

For more information, or to find out about UB’s Poker2Nite Pro Challenge, which awards players free prize packages to next year’s World Series of Poker, visit