After a successful collaboration during the most recent NBC National Heads-Up Poker Championship (NHPC), NBC has decided to continue its partnership with and will now feature PokerRoad content on the NBCSports website.

Visitors to the NBC site, perhaps looking for more information on the NHPC or the popular Poker After Dark – featuring voiceover work from Ali Nejad, will now be able to discover videos like The Life Of Ivey and The Poker Mind, introducing a whole new group of people to the PokerRoad family.

Just look for the word “PokerRoad” for our content, although you won’t have to look far for one of the Life of Ivey video links which is currently featured on the NBC Poker main page directly above an announcement for NBC’s upcoming new poker game show Face the Ace – set to make it’s debut in prime time this fall.

For more information or to check out the start of something great, visit

Story by Mark Anderson