I’m writing this from the lobby of a cool boutique hotel (16£ wireless and snotty service = cool and trendy) in London because Mr. B is sleeping in the room. This isn’t at all unusual, as he played online into the wee hours of the morning.
I vaguely remember glancing at the screen as the sun was coming up and seeing him own the Rail Heaven table on Full Tilt. I was just about to roll over and go back to bed when I happened to catch some chat from another player that piqued my interest.
I don’t usually talk or write of Mr. B’s online poker life, but I live it with him every day and silently suffer or celebrate, depending on how the session went. Lately it has been rather brutal, but that’s nothing new, since after three years with David I am finally used to the swings. (I’m not sure it’s a good thing that winning or losing 500k gets only a shrug or a thumbs-up reaction from me.) In addition to being rather numb to the swings, this is also the case for the observer/player chat.
I have long since stopped reading what people have to say about David or myself, but every once in a while I catch something funny, poignant or just plain stupid. (Mostly it’s the latter.) Like this guy last night, Pyramid or whatever silly screen name he uses…
I’ve seen this player a couple of times on the no limit tables, but never playing the other games so I imagine he’s just a typical NL ass-clown. (You know the type – started playing in high school or college, probably after discovering poker through his Magic the Gathering friends.) Ahhhhhh, scratch this blog…
I started writing this yesterday and I had awakened in some kind of mood! Now that it’s a day later as I finish the blog I don’t feel nearly as agro towards the player “Pyrrinaid”. (I still don’t really know the actual screen name.) He had chatted some things to David about how David had hit and run on him and how he (Pyramind) would NEVER do that because he would NEVER quit David.
Then he went on about table etiquette and I just thought it was really something, you know, this kid telling Mr. B about proper decorum when playing heads up…It was quite amusing and rather preposterous to insinuate that Mr. B doesn’t have table manners and is such a fish that Pyramid wouldn’t dream of quitting first.
I can only hope these types of players (young, arrogant, disrespectful) keep thinking this way because the ending will almost always be the same…They lose their money to Mr. B or some other top pro and give up on poker and go back to school, only to discover the brief fame they might have experienced in online poker means nothing to college students and they are inevitably the same trading card geek they always were, none the wiser…