POKER ROAD RADIO12-5-2010 Sponsored by Tournament Poker Edge 5 Diamond Classic with Andy Bloch Part 1
Some poker legislation talk and Barry has a bone to pick with Jimmy and Stapes
POKER ROAD RADIO12-5-2010 Sponsored by Tournament Poker Edge Bellagio 5 Diamond with Andy Bloch Part 2
Poker legislation talk and Barry has a bone to pick with Jimmy and Stapes
POKER ROAD RADIO12-4-2010 Sponsored by Tournament Poker Edge Bellagio 5 Diamond Classic with Gavin Smith!
CASH PLAYS11-23-2010
Cash Plays with Scott Augustine
Irock joins Nicolak and Jeremiah for an episode of nothing but hand breakdowns.
this will be replaced by the JW Player.
LIFE SMART WITH THUY DOAN – If We Are What We Eat, Then What Are We?